Amy Johnson
Evergreen Home LoansWhether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a repeat buyer, we’ll organize the process from loan application to move-in date to help you close On Time and as Promised®. Power your offer with our Security Plus Seller Guarantee, which stands among the strongest loan preapproval programs in the business. It’s a real difference maker.
Amy Johnson
“Genuine people helping people home—that’s who we are at Evergreen Home Loans™. Our passion for impacting lives through home ownership, combined with a commitment to providing high-touch service that’s complimented by innovative digital technology, is evidenced by the feedback we receive from our customers.”
Hillsboro, OR
+1 (503) 533-8330
Mead Agency and Associates, Inc.

“So amazing! Always was there to answer all my questions and made the process feel very easy being my first time!”